Thursday, July 8, 2010

:: Noktah Sebuah Pertemuan Berakhir di Sini ::

2days!!! before u kuar dr matang... DAMN!!! sedih gyLer... pape pun thanks for everything to ♥ Mohd Hafizuddin Nordin ♥ utk pertemuan ini.. dan moga persahabtan kite akan terus kekal spai bile2.. jgn lupekan aku & kami kat cni yer!!! kenangan kite (R.U.F.F.A) bererti utk selamanye... mybe pasni udin plak kot akan mengikut jejak langkah ko... and then Fie or Aza?? uwaa~~uwaa~~ uwaa~~ kenape perlu ade perpisahan?? ermmm... kenangan ngn hafiz.. a lots!!! yg paling xleh lupe mase g penang dulu... pape pun.. I doakan U bahagia & berjaya di luar sa k!!!!

nie la die ♥ Mohd Hafizuddin ♥
i will miz all about u.. exspecially ur styLe...

"The hardest part of any friendship is when it's time to say goodbye. As much as we might like things to stay the same, change is an inevitable part of life. The universe may seem huge and the rift between friends on opposite side of the world may seem a great distance. There are many tools available with which we can communicate, but even without these tools there is a secret that only real friends know, and it is this. All the mountains and valleys in the world cannot separate friends whose hearts are as one"


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